Tuesday, November 14, 2017



Kalzium software is used to study periodic table for secondary students. Kalzium (German for: Calcium) is periodic table for the elements for KDE Software Compilation. KDE is an international free software community .This software contains information about 103 chemical elements, including mass, charge, picture, discovery information, chemical and energy data, and a model of the atom, The table itself can be configured to display numeration, state, and colour-coding in various ways. Additionally, a date index is available, allowing only elements discovered up to a defined year to be shown. Kalzium is an interactive application which shows the information about the periodic table of the elements. Kalzium can be used as an as an information database Calzium has already some nice features, however but there remains things to add. As Kalzium has been included in KDE 3.1+, we still work steadily to add in some new enhancements, while hopefully making it as fast and useful as possible. Kalzium is a program that gives detailed information about elements through the use of an interactive periodic table. It is a fairly straightforward piece of software.The top page displays a standard periodic table. By hovering the cursor over the
element’s symbol, the element’s name and atomic mass is displayed. Clicking on the symbol opens a page that contains more information about the element such as melting point, boiling point, its electron configuration, and more. Some of the terms are linked to their definition in Wikipedia just in case the user doesn’t know what it means. There were two features that may be found particularly cool. First was the ability to change the view of the symbols. You could choose to show families, groups or icons. Icon mode displayed images of (mostly) everyday items that are commonly associated with that particular element. This would have made it a lot easier to memorize. The second, great feature is the 3D molecule editor. This was definitely

one of the more difficult concepts to remember studying. The editor allows the loading of different molecules that are labeled and show the type of bond. In addition, clicking and dragging on an atom allows one to rotate the molecule on the axis of the atom one is holding. In the past, all of this information took up pages upon pages of the notebook, now; one can see almost everything one wants to know in one simple program Kalzium the Periodic Table of Elements (PSE) and included basic information about all common elements in the PSE. It has a gained much more functions over time.

Features of Kalzium are:
1. versatile overview of all important data from the elements like melting points,
electron affinity, electron negativity, electron configuration, radii, mass,
ionization energy
2. tool to visualize the spectral lines of each elements
3. different colored views to the PSE: separation of the different blocks, Year
simulator, Temperature simulator
4. Molecular weight calculator
5. an Isotope table
6. 3D molecule editor, with a load and save functionality
7. a equation solver for stoichiometric problems
8. file type conversion for different types of chemical programs
9. tool to produce a comprehensive list of all Risk_and_Safety_Statement
Maintained by KDE WebMaster

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